A Case Study of Decathlon App with Personalized Recommendations and Engaging Content.

Problem Statement

Decathlon, a sports equipment retailer, needs to design a product page for their mobile app that includes recommendations for add-on products, suggestions for related activities and events, and relevant blog posts on the sport associated with the product. The current app lacks these features, resulting in a suboptimal user experience and missed opportunities for cross-selling and engagement. The objective is to enhance the user experience and increase sales by providing users with a more comprehensive and personalized product page that caters to their interests and needs.

What I understood:

Understanding the business:

Understand the needs:

What would be the outcome of solving this problem statement?

Understanding what part of the business needs to be impacted?

Information mapping

I conducted information mapping to gain a comprehensive understanding of the area we intended to evaluate. This process provided us with valuable insights into our user's thought processes, allowing us to gain a better understanding of their needs and preferences. While the findings are hypothetical at this point, the information mapping exercise enabled us to develop a well-informed strategy for evaluating the area and addressing potential pain points.
